Contact Us
For all general email enquiries contact: or use the contact form.
For any specific queries, please contact us using the details below. ** Please note that we will not always be at home or available via mobile phone, so please leave a message **
Chairman: Mr. L.R.Smith (Rowland) Tel: 01444 230862
Secretary: Mr. E.Winton (Ed) Tel: 07747 868323
Treasurer: Mr. D.Ford (Dan) Tel: 07846 017345
Membership Secretary: Mr. J Caffrey (John) Tel: 01444 474625
Work Party Secretary: Mr. N.Vine (Neil) Tel: 01444 459031
Assistant Secretary: Mr. D.Chilcott (Darren)
Competition Secretary (Adult): Mr. D.Franks (David) Tel: 07899 934818
Competition Secretary (Veterans): Mr. J.Warrener (John) Tel: 01444 831703
Competition Secretary (Juniors): Mr. B.Harragan (Ben) or Mr. L.R.Smith (Rowland) Tel: 01444 230862
Angling Development (Wellbeing & Coaching): Mr. B.Harragan (Ben) at